Teca, Teca del Mediterraneo , Sebina, biblioteca, opac, catalogo biblioteca, Puglia, Regione Puglia, Consiglio Regionale Puglia, biblioteche del Consiglio Regionale Puglia, Catalogo biblioteche, Prestito libri, Libri online, Prestito online

Sustainable management of transnational megaprojects

Giappichelli <casa editrice> 2024


This scholarly work delves into the intricate realm of megaprojects, characterized by their colossal scale, complexity, and societal impact. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted challenges that confront these ventures, spanning stakeholder conflicts, environmental, social, and economic sustainability concerns, and the unique characteristics of each project. [...]
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PUGCR@Biblioteca Consiglio Regionale della Puglia Teca del Mediterraneo


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Inventario 96069
Collocazione GIUR 8 A 19
Note 1 v.